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| Masterpiece [감상/영화/외...]
To keep from going crazy, you have to cut yourself
off from the outside world. Just not think about it.
Yet there were year that went by, it seemed like...
...no time at all, because you're not doing anything.
There were two things I couldn't get out of my mind.
One was Dominic. The way he said, "I slipped," just before he died.
The other was you.
To keep from going crazy, you have to cut yourself
off from the outside world. Just not think about it.
Yet there were year that went by, it seemed like...
...no time at all, because you're not doing anything.
There were two things I couldn't get out of my mind.
One was Dominic. The way he said, "I slipped," just before he died.
The other was you.
2003/08/07 21:17
2003/08/07 21:17
Posted by lunamoth on 2003/08/07 21:17
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