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| Steve Carell's Golden Globe Speech  [감상/영화/외...]

"Wow, I, uh, I really did not expect this so I didn't write anything. However, my wife did and handed me something. Um, I'd like to thank the Hollywood Foreign Press for this great honor. I would also like to thank my wife, Nancy, for her constant support and for being so beautiful tonight. That's true. Thanks also to Ricky Gervais and Steven Merchant for creating such a wonderful, ground breaking piece of television and to Greg Daniels for his talent, courage, and sheer audacity. This is good, thank you. Uh, also to my wife, for giving me two wonderful children as painful as her labor might have been. Thanks also to an excellent cast, crew, and writing staff all of whom I am indebted to. If were not for you, I would not be here right now. I don't know about that. Steve Sower, Michelle Bowen, Matt Labog, Holly Berell...Nancy, my precious wife, who put her career on hold in support of mine and who sometimes wishes that I would let her know when I am going to be home late so she can schedule her life which is no less important than mine. To my parents for not making me go to law school. And finally to the love of my life, my wife Nancy. Thank you very much. This is a very great honor."

- Steve Carell, accepting the award for Best Actor in a television comedy, January 16, 2006
2006/04/17 23:59 2006/04/17 23:59

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Posted by lunamoth on 2006/04/17 23:59
(7) comments

    IMDb 를 찾다가 알게된 것인데, Steve Carell 의 부인 Nancy Walls 는 The Office 2x03 Office Olympics 에서 중계업자 Carol 역으로 나온 바 있더군요. 이후 최근 에피소드 2x019 Michael's Birthday 에도 나와 앞으로의 전개에 대한 복선을 깔아주기도 했는데요. 어떻게 될지 궁금해집니다.

    lunamoth 2006/04/18 00:27 r x
    braff가 나와서 깜짝 놀랐습니다. 자주 보지는 않지만 케이블 티븨에서 가끔 스크럽스를 재밌게 보고 있거든요. (이상하게 국내에서 다운로드 하기가 힘든 외화..)

    kirrie 2006/04/18 01:19 r x
      "Scrubs" (2001) [TV-Series 2001-????]

      아 이런게 있었군요. 시즌5까지 꽤 오래했군요... TV물 같은 경우는 비트토렌트를 활용해보시는 것도 괜찮을 것 같습니다. 물론 최근 에피소드인 경우에만 다운로드가 쉽다는것이 단점이긴 합니다만.... http://snipurl.com/pbf2

               lunamoth 2006/04/18 01:23 x
    ㅎㅎ 감칠맛나게 유머스럽군요.

    떡이떡이 2006/04/18 14:25 r x
      오피스 권해드립니다. deadpan comedy 의 진수랄까요.

               lunamoth 2006/04/18 14:27 x
    'The Office wins The Emmy' 에 동영상이 있는 것을 보고, Carell에 대해 둘러봤습니다. 수상소감을 아주 재밌게 했더군요. 영상을 찾아 봤더니, MySpace에 있었습니다. 글만으로는 잘 알 수 없던 것들이 아주 잘 들어오더군요. 참고하시길...^^
    페이지 - http://snipurl.com/vvc1
    FLV - http://snipurl.com/vvc4
    이런 댓글 쓰고 보니까 more..에 영상이 있군요...^^...글두 보시길...^^

    키그 2006/09/04 04:05 r x
      예 하루정도 영상을 본문에 올렸다가 거추장 스러운것 같아서 more/less 처리를 했습니다.

      링크 감사드립니다 :)

               lunamoth 2006/09/06 00:56 x



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