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| Where's my arc?  [길 위의 이야기]

Christopher: That's it. I don't wanna just survive. It says in these movie-writin' books that every character has an 'arc.' You understand?
Paulie: [shakes his head].

Christopher: Like, everybody starts out somewheres, then they do somethin', or somethin' gets done to them. It changes their life. That's called their arc. Where's my arc?
Paulie: [shrugs].

Christopher: Like, take Richard Kimball, right? No, that's no good. His arc is run, run, jump off a dam, run. Ahh [pause] Keanu Reeves. Devil's Advocate. You see that?
Paulie [smiling with recognition]: Al! [Pacino]

Christopher: Right. Keanu's a lawyer. Gets all turned on by power, money, the devil. Then his wife says to him: "You're not the man I married." Leaves him. You see the arc? He starts down here [holds his hand in front of his face]; he ends up here [moves his hand upward]. Where's my arc, Paulie?
Paulie: Kid, Richard Kimball, the devil's whatever: those are all make believe. Hey, I got no arc either. I was born, grew up, spent a few years in the army, a few more in the can ?and here I am, a half a wise guy. So what?

Christopher: I got no identity!

from "The Sopranos" Season One, Episode VIII, written by Frank Renzulli and David Chase, directed by Tim Van Patten.
2005/10/19 15:58 2005/10/19 15:58

Posted by lunamoth on 2005/10/19 15:58
(6) comments

    arc? á:rk말입니까?


    Sage Labrie 2005/10/19 10:25 r x
      전환점이라고 번역했더군요.

               lunamoth 2005/10/19 10:35 x
    arc mond..hh
    p.s. 이런 뜻이었군요?천잠(天蠶)나방(북미산(産)). (야후!사전검색)

    아크몬드 2005/10/19 21:19 r x
      Godfather 폰트가 있어 한번 만들어 봤습니다 ;)

               lunamoth 2005/10/19 21:21 x
    조금 더 긴 스크립트 - http://elfurl.com/ew6g7
    'The Sopranos' Review - http://elfurl.com/rmivi
    HBO Season 1: Ep. 8 - http://elfurl.com/x7sup
    Godfather Trilogy - http://elfurl.com/gxdb3
    문셋대로 '대부4' - http://elfurl.com/40ibl
    기억력이 떨어지는 것인지 이 대사를 분명 봤었는데 기억이 나지 않아서 검색을 하다가 몇가지 링크해 봅니다. 소프라노스는 본적이 없는데, 오랜만에 아크(Arc)에 대해 생각해 봅니다. 10대 시절에도 지금도 여전히 그 arc에 대해 고뇌하는 것을 보면 아마도 평생 그러지 않을까 싶네요... :-|

    키그 2006/07/20 02:24 r x
      시즌6을 보다가 말았습니다만, 마지막이 궁금해지긴 하더군요. 크리스 또한 비극일런지...

      자신의 길이 아닌 것 같다는 생각속에서 걷다보면 다 한번쯤 하게되는 것일 듯 싶습니다. 전환점을 돌고 돌아 그야말로 호를 그리는것이 될 수도 있겠지만, 고착보다는 나을테고요.

      영화속 어찌 할수 없는 청년들이 겹쳐지면서 그런 생각을 해봤습니다.

               lunamoth 2006/07/20 02:37 x



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